Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Perfect Day!

Today felt like a perfect day for me! I took a vacation day so I could have some much needed "zen time." My job has been very challenging for me lately and I have plenty to catch up on at home! It felt good to get lots of rest, sleep in late, and sort of ease into my day.... It's so nice when you don't have to go to work! *big grin* I spent some time with my husband this morning before he went to work and then hit Starbucks for a Venti Iced Americano. My favorite as of late! I got a little reading in with my latest book "The Five People You Meet in Heavan" by Mitch Albom. (also the author of "Tuesdays With Morrie") It felt so nice enjoying my iced expresso while reading a good book. I felt relaxed and happy. I needed this! My next stop was dropping 2 huge bags of clothes off to Goodwill, that always feels good! The young man that took the bags from me said "thank you very much" with a big smile. Ofcourse that made me feel even better! After dropping the clothes off, I did some shopping and then got myself some fish tacos at Taco Del Mar on the way home. They were soooo delicious.... They are my latest thing! When I returned home I cranked my favorite music, did some cleaning, wrote financial goals as well as personal goals, and decided to put all of my wedding items that I wanted to keep in a big tote. (finally!) I'm also starting to work on my Honeymoon Scrapbook and more Wedding Photo albums! (who knew there could be so many??! lol) Why is this all so exciting? It's not really, it's just about my day and how for me, it was really perfect! It's important to take time out when you need to. I don't think people do this enough! We should be able to stop once in awhile from our busy lives and have a "me day." To be able to do the things that are important to us and that make us feel good. To have time alone..... to be able to "think" and not be needed. I am constantly reminded of how short life is and I never take a single day that I get to be here for granted! Life is precious, time is precious, and please don't forget to slow down and enjoy it. For we never know what tomorrow brings.......

As my husband's grandmother recently said to him (she is sadly dying from cancer) "Enjoy Life"

Very well said.....I thought. (oddly enough, it's very similiar to what my grandmother told me when she was dying...."Just Be Happy" she said. I have really taken those words from both grandmothers to heart. They are powerful!

All the best,



Anonymous said...

Hey Sister,
Love the new pictures of the cake! Very beautiful! That was the best cake ever too! That must be a new picture of me and Ron too :) I also love the picture of you at in the desert heat! very pretty of you and natural beauty, I love it! Have a great week! From your sister :)

Kimberly said...

Thanks for the nice comments sister! And for always stopping by my Blog! You ROCK!!
