Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Importance of Gratitude

Ever since I learned the importance of gratitude, my life has never been the same. I first started writing down 5 things I am grateful for everyday. (An idea I got from Oprah!) I began to see and truly appreciate how much I had in my life. It's so easy to see all that we don't have, but what about what we DO have? It's a much more empowering thing to focus on! After seeing the movie The Secret, (by the way, everyone should see this movie!) I started carrying a gratitude rock with me as a constant reminder to be grateful. I don't need reminders anymore because it's just so automatic for me now. I wake up every single day feeling grateful! I still enjoy writing down the things I feel grateful for from time to time, but mostly it's just something I already feel!
Even during challenges in your life, you can still find many things to be grateful for. That is actually the best time to practice gratitude- it reminds you that you still have so much to be thankful for no matter what happens. You will be okay! My wish is that everyone can feel more gratitude in their lives because if they could, it would bring them so much more.
Let me tell you about a time when I felt extremely grateful. One morning (many years ago) I was driving home from my boyfriend's house. We had been together for a long time and we were going through a break up. I remember feeling sick and totally heartbroken. The tears wouldn't stop running down my face as I was driving home. Directly in front of me was a school bus filled with kids. I looked up as the tears were flowing and noticed a little boy staring at me. He then smiled and blew me a kiss! I thought that was the sweetest thing ever and somehow after that, I just knew everything was going to be okay! I felt extremely grateful that morning. I tell this story because it shows how such a simple thing can be so powerful! It was for me anyway and I've never forgotten it.
Don't forget to notice and appreciate the special moments, people, and things in your life!
So what can you feel grateful about today? Start with one thing if you'd like, but you will be surprised at how the list will grow. And eventually, you will feel constant gratitude in your life. There's no better feeling if you ask me! Everyone one of us has so much to be grateful for..... it's all what you choose to focus on. I have been a much happier person ever since I discovered the power of gratitude. I am very lucky and have an amazing life!
All the best,
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
~Marcel Proust
If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.
~Gerald Good
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
-Anne Frank

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